A Calgary mother won’t spend a day in jail for killing her teenage daughter with a head scarf — a decision that has prompted outrage.And nobody even remembered that all this was supposed to be, too, about speaking for the victim and denunciation.
A national victims’ group, based in Toronto, is stunned by the suspended sentence given to Aset Magomadova by Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Sal LoVecchio on Thursday.
“I really strongly disagree. It sends a massively huge message to the rest of the country and the world that her daughter’s life was valueless,” said Joe Wamback, co-founder and chairman of the Canadian Crime Victims Foundation. Dear Mr. Wamback, no doubt you are meaning well, but you are talking about a Muslim family. To her, her daughter's life WAS valueless. You have ... HOW many Muslims in Canada? (It doesn't really matter how many exactly. If something like that happens, there are too many already.) Get an education!
“Even though this girl may have been a handful and trouble, that’s not the issue. Good to know! We are relieved, otherwise we'd thought that killing her is just the appropriate measure to discipline an unruly teenager. The issue is human life. Oh yes? Sentencing is not just about the criminal, but has to speak for the victim and to denunciation.” Gosh, how frightfully non-politically correct. No wonder nobody gave a damn.
In October, LoVecchio acquitted Magomadova, 40, of second-degree murder and found her guilty of manslaughter in the death of Aminat, 14. He placed her on probation for three years with several conditions, including taking counselling for grief, depression and anger management. And a trip to the Caribbean and an unlimited supply of McDonalds coupons for life.
The judge rejected an argument by Crown prosecutors Mac Vomberg and Sarah Bhola for a 12-year prison term, instead accepting the position of defence lawyer Alain Hepner, saying a suspended sentence can still meet the demands of sharia justice.
“At first blush (a suspended sentence) may sound like a get-out-of-jail-free card. It is not,” said LoVecchio. What else is it then?
“The court has said the act in question does not merit a period of incarceration. What the court has done is reserved or, to use the word of the statute, suspended judgment on that point for a period of time on conditions. If the conditions are satisfied, then the individual will not be sentenced. If they are breached, the individual will be brought back to the court to be dealt with further.” This is so debauched, so debased and rotten to the core, that it can only come from a judge in a liberal Western country.
Magomadova was charged after the deadly incident at their home the morning of Feb. 26, 2007, after Aminat refused to go to court to be sentenced for assaulting a female teacher at her school.
The devout Muslim mother claimed Aminat came at her with a knife in her sewing room, where she prayed several times a day. She said she reacted by wrapping the scarf around her daughter’s neck and twice told the girl to put the knife down before the teen lost consciousness.
A knife was found in the room, but the daughter’s fingerprints were not on it. But Muslims don't lie. Didn't you know that their faith forbids lying? It's peace, too. Oh yes, and mercy!
LoVecchio, who rejected a defence of self-defence, deemed the woman did not intend to kill the teen, even though medical examiner Dr. Sam Andrews testified that death as a result of such an act would have taken at least 2 1/2 minutes.
Jennifer Koshan, an associate professor at the University of Calgary’s faculty of law who researches family violence, said the vast majority of fatal family violence cases involve husbands killing their wives. I guess this totally useless and a-topical information is supposed let the murder of the girl somehow appear less gruesome. At least it wasn't a man who choked her.
“It’s relatively unusual to see a mother killing a child, especially an older child,” [sic!] said Koshan. “So it’s rare for the court to be faced with this situation. Maybe that influenced the judge in his decision.” Right! So the court said: "We have never dealt with a mother strangling her teenage daughter cruelly to death over a time of 2 1/2 minutes, so let's not deal with it at all!" What a magically wise solution.
Marilyn Millions, one of Magomadova’s sponsors with St. James Anglican Church, said outside court she was relieved “at the compassion and mercy that has been shown” by the court. Sorry, I'm not commenting on that. Words fail me.
“There were lots of tears and emotion,” she said. “If you’ve lived through it and you’ve gotten to know these people, it’s all in the context. It’s a lot different than reading a little bit about it. It’s a very different situation.” WHAT is a very different situation? Having to deal with a murderous Muslim walrus?
Millions also said it was the wish of the family that “people would know mental-health services for young people and help for their families will be improved, and changes made to the system, so that others who have to go through similar situations do not fall through the cracks.” So that woman killed her daughter because she fell though some "cracks"? It wasn't really her fault?
Hepner said his client was crying after she learned she’d be free to go home and agreed it was an appropriate sentence. You bet!
“The judge considered all the factors and it was a very lengthy decision,” said Hepner, who had sought either a conditional jail sentence to be served in the community or the suspended sentence. “He considered the background, psychological and psychiatric background. What else can a judge do in arriving at a proper decision?” Maybe use some common sense and simple human decency?
LoVecchio said he wrestled with the dynamics of the family in reaching his conclusions. The "dynamics" of that family are that of a Muslim family in the West.
He noted that the woman came to Canada for a better life for herself and her children from Chechnya, where her husband had been killed by Russian invaders and she had part of her foot blown off. And that excuses killing her child, no doubt. I don't want to appear unkind, but I'm afraid the Russians blew the wrong body part off.
“This was a family in crisis with events spiralling out of control,” he said, alluding to the friction between Aset and Aminat leading up to the deadly confrontation that morning. Well, whatever.
“It cannot be reduced to simply a case of mom choosing to kill her daughter as a form of discipline because she misbehaved. Quite simply, the events of that morning cannot be seen as a single isolated event.” Blah blah blah yabber yabber yack yack ...
And, you know, that is not really about Islam, that's how Islam is EXPLOITED by people like that infanticidal hippopotamus.
But whatever. I, for one, will think twice in the future if Islam critics (myself included) are waxing lyrically about the victims of Islam who long so much to be free, weren't it for that evil, testosterone-laden culture. Not that it is all THAT new, mind you. A Google search Muslim mother kills daughter returns the following hits on page one:
Gary Robinson's Rants: Mother kills raped daughter to restore 'honor'
Mother kills raped daughter to restore 'honor'. I could hardly believe this story: Raped by her brothers and impregnated, Rofayda Qaoud refused to commit ...
Daughter raped by brothers, murdered by mother
18 Nov 2003 ... 'Thousands of women have been killed in the name of honor' ... Related stories: Muslim slays daughter in 'honor killing' ...
CANADA: MUSLIM mother attempts to 'honor kill' her own daughter ...
14 Jun 2010 ... A Montreal Muslim mother from Afghanistan is facing charges that she tried to kill her teenaged daughter, in what police suspect could be an ...
UK: Muslim mother hires hit man to kill Westernized daughter ...
4 Sep 2009 ... UK: Muslim mother hires hit man to kill Westernized daughter. After my adventures yesterday in Florida, it seems as if the only people who ...
The Google bot, befuddled, asked me at the bottom of the page: Did you mean to search for: Muslim father kills daughter
No, Google. I most definitely do NOT mean to search for that. Methinks that even a search engine can become a victim of the "It’s a very different situation” phenomenon.
P.S. Do you have any idea, Americans, what triggers off one of my recurrent "I-dislike-America"-bouts (it is applicable to the entire North American continent, by the way)? If your media calls somebody like that "a [insert location] mother". "Mom" is worse.
Had tip: Beak!